Magpie Swooping: Understanding the Behaviour of Australian Magpies
Posted by The Magpie Whisperer on

In fact, magpies are intelligent and social birds that are known for their playful and curious personalities. They are an important part of the ecosystem and play a valuable role in controlling insect populations. However, due to their protective behaviour during breeding season, magpies are often perceived as a nuisance or threat by some humans.
It's important to understand that magpies are not swooping humans for no reason. They are simply defending their offspring and territory, just as any parent would. By avoiding areas where magpies are known to nest or by taking precautions like wearing a hat or carrying an umbrella during breeding season, people can avoid conflicts with these birds. It's important to remember that magpies are an important part of the natural world and should be respected and appreciated, rather than feared or despised.
Most Cases of Magpie Swooping Can Be Easily Avoided

Savage Magpie Attacks Are Extremely Rare
It's essential to debunk the myth that every magpie in Australia is a swooping attacker of humans. The reality is that only a small percentage of the magpie population exhibit this defensive behavior during the breeding season, and it's mostly the male magpies that swoop. As noted by Dr. Darryl Jones, "savage magpie attacks" are exceedingly rare, with less than 1% of swooping incidents resulting in actual harm. In most cases, the swooping is a defensive display aimed at warding off potential threats to their nests and chicks. Thus, it's crucial not to overestimate the danger that magpies pose to humans and to appreciate that magpies are merely protective parents defending their offspring.
Indirect Injuries: The Main Result of Magpie Swooping Encounters
In most cases of magpie swooping incidents, the typical outcome is that the person flees the scene and may experience an accident such as tripping over or falling off a bike. These are considered indirect injuries as there is no physical contact from the magpie itself. Unfortunately, many people misinterpret these incidents as a "magpie attack." It is important to note, however, that the bird is not intentionally attempting to cause harm. The protective father magpie is simply trying to scare away the potential predator without making any direct physical contact.
A genuine "physical attack" only occurs when the magpie's beak makes contact with the person's body, resulting in an injury.
The vast majority of swooping incidents do not result in any physical harm, and even in cases where contact is made, injuries are typically minor, such as a small scratch or cut.
Respect The Warning Signs Placed in Your Area
It is imperative to exercise caution and take heed of magpie warning signs, just as one would with shark warnings at the beach. The warning signs are intended to protect people from potential harm, and ignoring them could result in unpleasant encounters with the birds. It is wise to avoid areas that are marked with magpie warnings until the danger has passed. Failure to do so could lead to unnecessary discomfort or injury. Hence, it is important to pay close attention to these signs and take appropriate action to prevent any unwanted encounters with magpies.
The Importance of Empathy in Understanding Magpie Behaviour
Consider the following scenario: an unknown individual is loitering in your backyard or forcibly invading your residence while a vulnerable infant is in close proximity, necessitating protection by any means necessary. Under such circumstances, one might experience sensations of fear, anxiety, and fury. In the face of such a situation, one's innate instincts would prompt them to safeguard their child. This reflexive behavior is no different than that exhibited by a magpie parent in defense of its offspring. It is incumbent upon a majority of individuals to appreciate this reality.
Magpies employ their physical actions and vocalisations to communicate warning signals, which can be demonstrated through the use of beak clapping, overhead swooping, or screeching. This serves as their means of communication with humans to signal a need to stay away.
The Negative Impact of Scare Tactic Headlines on Magpie Reputation
The media often use scare tactic headlines like 'Killer Magpies' and 'Magpies Must Die' is unnecessary and damaging to the reputation of this beloved Australian bird. Rather than addressing any real danger, such press only serves to increase people's fear of magpies and may even cause some to dislike them.
It's worth noting that, despite the sensational headlines, the most dangerous animal in Australia is actually the jumping jack ant, which kills more people per year than crocodiles (source Professor Gisela Kaplan).
It is crucial to avoid targeting magpies, who may inconvenience us for only a brief period of about six weeks each year, while we are a constant source of disturbance to them. We demolish their homes, which often harbor nests, eggs, or chicks, obliterate their natural habitats to construct our own houses, pollute their environment with toxic chemicals and pesticides, and collide with them while driving. Considering this perspective, it is evident that we are the true offenders in this situation, and not the magpies.
The Consequences of Our Treatment of Wildlife: What Will Future Generations Learn?
The rise of "swooping selfies" on social media during Spring has become a worrisome trend, and it's unfortunate that people are using such actions for their personal entertainment and social media views. Such behavior can have severe consequences and reinforce the magpie's defensive behavior towards humans. This could result in a more aggressive response from magpies towards people, leading to potential injuries or harm.
There have been instances where people have deliberately baited magpies into swooping, which is not only harmful but also disrespectful to the bird's welfare. These actions could cause long-term harm to the bird, leading to it becoming more aggressive towards humans. It is essential to understand that such torment and mistreatment of wildlife is unacceptable and should be discouraged. If an injury occurs, the individual responsible for such actions should take responsibility rather than blaming the bird.
Unfortunately, there have been cases where adults or parents have been observed encouraging their children to approach magpies to create humorous videos for social media, resulting in potentially hazardous situations. This type of behavior can create a dangerous precedent for future generations on how to treat and interact with wildlife. It is imperative that we teach the proper way to behave around magpies and respect their behavior and welfare.
Preventing Future Magpie Incidents: The Need for Early Education and Awareness
A mandatory education program on Magpie Swooping in all schools prior to nesting season would be an excellent initiative. Such a program would teach children about the reasons behind the birds' behavior, safety measures and avoidance techniques, and the importance of respecting the space that Magpies have rightfully earned during each nesting season. By fostering respect and empathy for these birds, we can help eliminate a significant number of future swooping incidents and "attacks" each year. As individual members of our native wildlife, Magpies are entitled to the same rights and privileges as we are, and it is our duty to educate ourselves and future generations on how to coexist with them harmoniously.
Strategies for Preventing Encounters with Swooping Magpies
As mentioned earlier, to circumvent the likelihood of encountering a protective magpie, it is imperative to avoid entering through their territory entirely. In cases where an alternate route is unavailable, the following measures may be employed to deter potential Incidents. In the event of an encounter with a swooping bird and no warning signs are present, promptly notifying the local council is advised to facilitate the prompt placement of appropriate signage in the area.
- If you are riding a bike, skateboard, or scooter, dismount and walk through the bird's territory. Magpies are less likely to pursue pedestrians.
- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head.
- Face the magpie and maintain eye contact. They are less likely to swoop if they feel they are being watched.
- Carry an open umbrella above your head to provide additional protection.
- Fold your arms above your head to protect your face and head.
- Walk in a group, as magpies are less likely to swoop a larger group of people.
- Offer the bird a small treat as you pass by. After several times of doing this, the magpie may begin to see you as a source of food rather than a threat.
- Throw objects at the bird. This is crucial, as this can trigger a defensive response that may escalate in the future.
- Flail your arms or yell at the bird.
- Avoid running away. It is important to remain composed if swooped. Instead, calmly walk away from the area.
Approach a baby magpie. It's parents are likely to be nearby and may swoop to protect it. Leaving the baby where it is, as long as it's not sick or injured and there is no imminent danger.
Protecting Australian Magpies: Report Suspicious Activity to AuthoritiesAustralian Magpies are a treasured native species that are protected under the State Wildlife Legislation (Nature Conservation Act 1992). It is essential to know that harming these birds, their nests, eggs, or young is strictly prohibited and illegal. If you witness any suspicious activity that may involve harming magpies or their nests, it is imperative to report it immediately to the appropriate authorities. Reporting such behaviour can help in saving the magpies and their future generations. The RSPCA national hotline at 1300 278 358 or the local wildlife authority in your state or territory are the best resources for reporting such activities. By taking prompt action and reporting any suspicious behavior, we can all contribute to safeguarding these magnificent birds and ensure their continued survival for generations to come. Remember, we are all responsible for protecting our native wildlife, and every small action counts towards conserving their natural habitat. |